Percentage calculator

What is percentage

Percentage usually means the relative value from a total value. We use percentage for example like this:

  1. Our total value here is one million cars.
  2. And we say: "every second car is more than five years old"
  3. Translated to percents - "every second car" means fifty percent (50%).
  4. Correct answer is: half million of cars is older than five years.

One percent also means one hundredth. From above example - one hundredth (1%) from million would be one hundred thousand. \( x = \frac{1 000 000}{100} = 100 000 \\ \)

\( Percentage = Value / TotalValue \cdot 100 \\[1ex] \)
Example: How many percent is 5 cars out of 10 cars
\( Percentage = (5 / 10) \cdot 100 \\ Percentage = 50\% \)

{{ partSecond }} of {{ wholeSecond }} is {{ percentResult }}%

\( Value = Percentage \cdot (TotalValue / 100) \\[1ex] \)
Example: How many cars is 10% of 50 cars
\( Value = 10 \cdot (50 / 100) \\ Value = 5 \, cars \)

{{percentFirst}}% of {{wholeFirst}} is {{ valueResult }}

\( TotalValue = Value \cdot (100 / Percentage) \\[1ex] \)
Example: What is TotalValue if 5 cars is 50%
\( TotalValue = 5 \cdot (100 / 50) \\ TotalValue = 10\; cars \)

The total value is: {{ totalValueResult }}
if the value {{ partThird }} is {{ percentThird }}%